Thursday, September 17, 2009

Another trip to the zoo

So this past weekend we went to the zoo again. This time we went with my friend Courtney and her son Bergen. Bergen and Owen are about 6 weeks apart (Bergen is older). We don't get together as much as we would like to but when we do it is very fun.

As the boys are getting older it is getting a lot more fun. Just to watch them have there own little conversations is very fun. We had a dvd player and they watched a movie on the way up to the zoo and the weather was great when we got there.

The boys loved the animals and running around. Owen had a few little melt downs but all in all he was a good boy. I think there favorite part was riding the monorail and seeing all of the animals from the train.

By the time we got to the car Owen was already asleep in the stroller and it didn't take Bergen to long to fall asleep in the care. I was a very nice and quiet ride home. Very different from our very loud ride to the zoo with them.